We are in London. With La Soirée.
Life as a performer can not get much better than this.
We are part of an amazing line up including: Marcus Monroe, Asher Traleven, Ursula Martinez, Jess Love, Jonathan Burns, Anna and Saulo, Puddles Pity Party,  Scotty the Blue Bunny and The English Gents. Plus of course a fantastic team of people working in front and backstage to make this happen.

London Eye

London Eye

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Kära alla människor.
Biljetter till samtliga turnédatum är nu släppta. Det enda ni behöver göra är:
1. Lokalisera er själva i realation till närmaste spelställe.
2. Klicka på länk och boka era biljetter.
3. Uppmana alla era vänner att göra samma sak.
4. Komma dit. (I tid.)
5. Ha väldigt kul.
6. Prata med oss efter föreställningen.
7. Prata om oss efter föreställningen.
8. Älska oss för alltid.
Puss och Kram

Boka biljetter här

Landskrona  11 April kl 19.00
Hässleholm 23 April kl 19.00
Kramfors 26 April kl 16.00
Östersund 28 April kl 19.00
Stockholm Södra Teatern 3 Maj kl 19.00

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Sydney (14 Jan, 2014)
We are now in Sydney performing with the award winning show La Soiree at the Sydney Opera House. Everything is well exept for one small error. On Friday David had an accident and have been placed out of business for a couple of days.

But he will be back soon. Until then:
Read David´s own words on how that happend ›››

La Soiree at Sydney Opera House

La Soiree at Sydney Opera House












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Hello lovers
Allow us to wish you a happy new year by giving you a guided tour through the highlights of the year that has passed.
On the morning of 2013 we woke up on tour with Cirkus Cirkör.
First stop was Hamburg, where we stayed for 5-6 or maybe even 7 weeks.
We fell very much in love with this city and the great people there. David lost his arm but it has grown back now : )

Photp by Max
Photp by Max

When we returned to Sweden it was time for us to start working on our own show. Josefin Lindberg, Henrik Ekberg, Sara Rumar, Oskar Cresso and Emil Jensen were the magic team behind a show that turned out really well and is still the biggest thing we have done. Our hope and ambition is to tour with this baby as soon as possible again.
When we do so. You should be in the audience.
The trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FvbrIkSanoM

Photo by Magnus Neideman
Photo by Magnus Neideman

With the premiere done we flew around europe for a bit. Gigs in Sweden, Norway and Germany.
In Germany we were invited to a famous TV show and it was quite exciting.
As always there is a lot of rehersals and waiting around. All the rehersals went really well and everybody was really excited about our participation and we got more and more nervous for the live broadcast.
The funniest thing with that whole adventure was when they cancelled us only 5 min before we were supposed to be on. A bit of an anti climax but it was nice to meet Bonnie Taylor.

Then came May and it was time for us to go on tour with Cirkus Cirkör again. This time in South America. (And a quick stop on Iceland.)
Argentina and Brasil was really great and we are still in love with the golden beaches of Rio de Janeiro. And the mountains. And the forrests. (Iceland was also really great.)

Photo by David

Back in Sweden it was time for us to try something really new. Opera. Opera is a real hit.
Because of the people involved. They are great.
We were a part of the classic piece ”Pajazzo” by Ruggero Leoncavallo. Thank you Estrad Norr and Scenkonstbolaget for this opportunity.









During this time we also participated in 2 very different rock videos.

One with Emil Jensen.

And one with Watain.

Quite different : )

Wear it like a crown” was played for the last time. We played a total of 420 shows. Which is a record in many ways.
We finished that chapter with sadness of course. But it is also with pride and a lot of new knowledge and many, many new friends all over the world. Thank you Cirkus Cirkör, for everything. And for the amazing cake : )

Amazing cake











It is still December and we have just finished our contract at Fotografiska Museet in Stockholm.
Along with working in that beautiful house in the evenings, we have been rehearsing for a new amazing project. What that is? We will announce it tomorrow.
Happy new year and thank you everyone that has supported us during 2013.
//David and Fofo




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Dear friends, followers, family and fans.
During the last couple of days we have received a large number of complaints. People are wondering whether we are trustworthy or not. We are very sad about this and want to explain why these doubts arose.
It started when we posted a picture on Facebook.
On the picture, we claim that the ball is captured by the photographer in mid air. Just as it shows up as a pink clown nose. And just before it hits the lens of the camera.


A trained eye can see the scam.


was shot out of David’s mouth. But on a video recording.

The video was then processed in a video editing software, paused at just the right moment. In order too fool you and make it look like it was captured by a trained photographer.

We care extremely about our credibility and are once again sorry for potential misconceptions.
Our show will be live. It will be real. We will NOT use simple tricks and frauds to fool you like we did with this image. We ask you kindly to forgive us and go to www.sodrateatern.com and book your tickets for our real and 100% honest show.

/David and Fofo

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I Lördags var vi i Malmö och representerade oss själva på Moriska Paviljongen.

Nere i logen hängde vi med legender som Sikus Alfon, Ann Westin, Inger ”Pippi” Nilsson och Carina ”Judith och Judith” Perenkranz. David passade på att bjuda på det här lilla tricket. En modern klassiker.

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After a lot of searching we finally found our director – and he is perfect. Just listen to this monologue (in Swedish…) and understand why this show is going to be great!

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This Monday we recieved news that we got some economic funding. And today, just now, we got another great surprise. We got more money for our production. We are definitely rolling.

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1 hour ago Josefin, our creative producer, called us up with the wonderful news that we have recieved a sum of money towards our show.
That makes us extremly happy. Not only because of the money. But because someone beliefs in us.
Thank you. Your money will be treated with respect and will be spent well.

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The internet is a quite deep well of information. We have created a digital dump where we drop everything useful WE find on the world wide web.
This is what makes us cry and laugh. What makes us grasp for air and what sicken us.
But most of all. It inspires us.
Our Tumblr ››

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